Now the reason i was following this game is because it was promising to be the first person shooter that the Wii needed. High Voltage had made there own engine for the game so they could do all new effects other Wii games couldn't, and although the story may have seemed to be a a bit cliché it looking like it could make for a good all round game.
So after all the press and build of the game i suppose it comes down to one thing, was it good? Answer is... it's was alright.
I said this in every post that i did prior to playing the game, i tend not to follow too much hype for a game and not to read too many reviews any more because it builds up false hopes, which is exactly what happened in this case. They boasted about the games engine that could do all these effects and new technical things, but then they made a game with repeating corridors and not all that scenic views, why, if it had the potential why not use it.
Now this is not to say i didn't like the game, i enjoyed playing it and will probable play it through again some day as it wasn't too long, just the hype i read before ruined it i think. The level design/layout was pretty good in places keeping the momentum of the game moving along nicely, there were some cool little easter egg like things with the high voltage logo which made me chuckle. Obviously the control system worked really well, it think the Wii remote was always going to work for this sort of thing.
This part was cool, biiiiig hole in a building, lots of explosions, what else do you really need
The story, i knew before this may not be brilliant, but i think the turning point for me was when the main character say's (in a typical deep action movie voice) "I must get to the president and save him", with the response "Your the only one who can do it". Why, just why do 'you' have to get to the president and save 'him', the world is falling apart so why does that one man have to be saved and why am i the only person who can do this. done well this 'cliché' can work, but it that scene it did not.
Another point to make was that it all felt a little bit lazily made, it didn't feel polished and had a lot of corners cut, just one that i remember, your in the white house (i think it was anyway) and you can look out the windows, but instead of looking out on a pretty view, you get a horrible texture that is completely obvious that's it's in front of your face, that's right a plane just a couple of feet out of the window, in this day of games that's just not right.
I think i know what the main nag about this game is, and was before it was released, it's selling point was... it's a really good game and has amazing graphics, for the Wii. That there is the worst thing for a game to have said about it, for a Wii game it's really good. you should never have to use those words to describe a game, it should stand on it's own regardless of the platform. I just saw that Call Of Duty Modern Warfare has been released on the Wii, and for you casual gamers this may be alright, but if your actually interested in the game your going to get it on the Xbox or PC, why would you get a game that's really good, but decide i want the version with reduced graphics, you wouldn't, simple as, and what casual gamer is going to get Call Of Duty on the Wii, it makes no sense!
You just know that car would have looked sooo much prettier!
Well i guess i just felt like ranting then really, felt good.
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