Saturday, 29 November 2008

Self Portriat

So it seems everyone wants to be a character artist in the games industry, i think i can understand why, there is a lot of scope with it and learning the human form is an on going process that's difficult but can also be very rewarding once learnt. So it makes sense to have a self portrait project in the course, if you go into an interview with this in your portfolio then they can clearly see if you model looks like you or not. I've made a start and it's more fun/interesting than i thought, it's hard work and I'm not looking forward to making my face, which is why i haven't started with that yet, but I'm hoping to get a decent end result.

As you can probable tell from the intro a character artist isn't something I'm thinking of going too far into, i do want basic understanding of it and the ability to make good looking models, but as of the moment i don't plan to make it my main focus. What i would really like to get into is environment design, which is something I've been thinking for a while now.
Here's an environment project we started earlier on, i haven't finished the textures yet, i need some decent bushes, grass, tree etc references, and that floor has been put down just to give an idea. But this project is the first really environment one i have done and I'm pretay happy with the outcome so far and looking forward to doing some others, maybe even do one for my self portrait when I've done that.

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