Doom, The Real First 3D Game!
This generation started off well for me and my brother in gaming, as we had entered a competition to win a N64, I think the question was who is Mario’s brother? After not really expecting to win we got a glowing letter which had told us we were now the proud owners of brand new N64! It was an awesome day, but had a slight problem, we had only won the consol’s, so for a while we just had it set up and were just mesmerized by all it’s glory. Then one day another glowing package came through the door, Mario 64 had entered the building. I think when we got it we actually played the game non stop, it was just pure genius and still is today, I bet most people who enjoyed the days of it bought it again on the ds, I know I did.
The N64 Box, Isn't It Amazing!
The other legendary game on the N64 I think everyone will agree is Goldeneye. I know the week five task is about not giving games scores a stuff, but this game deserves 10 out 10, it just filled all the criteria of a game, I suppose one of the reasons it’s such a historical game is because it started off the whole first person shooting multi player fun filled mayhem of games. But the whole single player part of the game was so well built, with every level having objectives and being able to just achieve victory at the end of every level, and then do it again but really fast to unlock more fun filled stuff (Paintball mode!). And obviously there were many many a times where you have mass multi player games on it, we actually once did a 24 hour marathon of the game, didn’t play it for a long time after that, I wonder why. Then after this came perfect dark which was the same thing in essence, just a lot more shiny and the like.
Now don’t worry I’m not going to explain every game that was “legendary” on the N64, but I am going to list just few; Zelda oot, Zelda Majora’s Mask, Mario Kart 64, Blast Corps (now that game went on forever), Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Party, and countless other great games.
So as the next generation of game arrived I obviously got a Gamecube, and I kind of explained my history and thoughts on this in one of my other posts, but I think it’s worth saying again it’s a lot better than people think, and I don’t know anyone who has owned one and been disappointed. And some really good games on this I think were Zelda (as always), I actually really liked Mario Sunshine as well, I agree it didn’t alw
ays feel like it had that Mario spark, but none the less it was good (Mario 2 I always thought didn’t feel like a Mario game). Also Burnout was great, played that to death, actually think too much, remember getting a chain of over 120 burnouts, good times. Time Splitters 2 and 3, they were really good games, 3 was a bit easier to complete 100% but it had a better storyline and feel to it. Also worth mentioning Metroid Primes, Eternal Darkness, Pikmin, Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi’s Mansion, Super Monkey Ball, and I could go on forever so ill stop now.
Right that seems enough for this post now, I think for my next one I’ll talk a bit about the Wii and then the future of games and directions it could end up going, should be fun stuff.
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