Blogging, I’m starting to see a general trend within peoples opinions of blogs, nobody actually likes them, but yet it’s fairly easy to rant on about random stuff, I mean that’s all I’m doing right now, and I’m sure I’m suppose to have some sort of task, of something, of a kind…
Honestly I don’t like this week one task, how the hell am I meant to randomly surf the net and find a blog I like and then write about it, it’s not going to happen I’m telling you. And that’s because I don’t like to read about peoples randoms in there life, and yeah okay there are lots of different types of blogs, not all of them are about how some guy woke up and had 3 pieces of toast instead of his usual 2, but how am I meant to stumble across something really good that’s going to interest me by random lurking.
So anyway it sounds as if my opinion isn’t far from most peoples then, and now I’m going to do the typical top gear thing where I start saying how bad it is, but then actually it’s a good thing all these things happen. The fact you can rant on about something is pretty good, even if no one reads it, normally you would have all these thoughts flying around inside your head with no order, I suppose putting them down sorts them, and also makes you think, I mean I’ve always had 2 pieces of toast at a time, why not have 3, I mean do 2 pieces really fill you up. Anyway I’m not going to dribble on as I would imagine this is probable getting boring now, but I can see my self using this blog from time to time to dribble on, and if not, well it’s not the end of the world now is it.
So blogging, yeah randomness at it’s peak. And I’ve just read back what I’ve wrote, and damn it’s awful lol, but I’ll keep it there to remind me what not to do in my future blogs, (and the fact I don’t want to start again lol), so yeah I bet your all looking forward to my next blog now lol,
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