This is one of the Ctrl+Alt+Del comics, there a great way to pass the time while avoiding work. They are really awsome and once I'd been shown them, I now cant stop reading them, so you have been warned!
Where Game Art Is Made, Not Games
Saw this on Mr P's blog, hmm 60%, yeah well creativity isnt about marks so there!
So we had our dreaded assessments the other day, involving a presentation to the whole class and teachers of all our work, oh how fun that was.
After spending half the day saying “ I’ll go up next” and then just sitting quietly still, I eventually did it (partly because some people pressured me, you know who are) and shakily got through my presentation. Once done it was a great relief and although I whished I said one or two more things it didn’t actually go all that badly.
Been able to see other peoples work was good, and although Mike said that the open briefs allow you to do anything, but you all still end up with the same idea, I think there was a good range of work and I saw somethings that I’d like to try out for the future.
I think one of the best things from making the presentation is been able to look at all your work in one place, and also while I was compiling my work I got to look back on it all and see what I learned and how my earlier work had many mistakes that I can now easily recognise.
So yeah glad that’s now out the way, unfortunately have to wait till the end of the year to see how it went, and now have to start doing more work for the next assessment, oh the joy.
So an entire term has finished now and we have now been formally introduced to the insane life that is known as Game Art! From what we’ve done so far it we’ve already learnt a fair bit, but it’s had its up’s and downs.
I think the main thing that I wasn’t expecting was so much work, which took me by surprise and is why I think I got behind on some work (well maybe not some…) but actually looking back I’ve realised that I’ve actually learnt more than I thought, at the start if you had said any of the 3ds max terms such as uv’s, normal maps (well any of the maps really) I wouldn’t have had a clue, but now I know what they are and even better can actually do them, well just about anyway.
Chris’s side with all the ‘real’ art skills is a tough class to get by, there’s a lot of work to do and it all requires your own motivation to do it, but even so it’s one of the great sides to the course and I can tell that even by the end of the first year I will have a fair amount of skills under my belt.
By the last week of the term I had kind of hit a wall where there was work to do but I just wasn’t inspired or motivated to sit and actually do it, then the heavens opened and set Ben Mathis upon Game Art. This guy is seriously talented and enthusiastic about his job, he just has so much energy and is just awesome at what he does. Because of him I got more motivated to do work, and I think he did the same for whole class just showing us what we could actually be doing one day. Saying that everyone in the game art industry does seem to say it’s awful to work in and things are never right, but they always follow that up with yeah it’s like the best thing ever and I’ve enjoyed every day of it, how very odd.
So yeah that’s my story so far, and I’ve just realised some thing as I typed that, that last thing I said is actually true, I’ve got really bogged down with work sometimes and though how is this possible, but at the same time it has been so much fun and I cant wait for next terms goings-on, so I should probably now stop avoiding doing really work by doing this and get some stuff done.
One Of Ben's 3D models
http://www.poopinmymouth.com/ - Ben Mathis's Website